We started off this series, Becoming a Whole Person, with a focus on parenting because we have a lot of listeners with kids. But what we found is that the stuff that little kids need to grow and become healthy adults is the same thing that adults need to continue growing.
We shifted into this universal perspective of becoming a whole person because we're really speaking to everyone, not just parents. We are all on a growth journey towards becoming a whole person, no matter our age. The ingredients that you need to keep growing are universal, whether you're a parent, babysitter, ministry leader, or professional. This series is going to offer you the nuts and bolts of what it takes to develop along the way.
What Every Child Needs to Grow: Listen
In the first episode, John, Lynn, and Austin discuss two key ingredients for growth: love and limits. They explain what love and limits are, the impact of implementing them into your life and the lives of those around you, and practical takeaways for you to start doing, keep doing, and stop doing.
What Every Child Needs to Know Pt 1: Listen
Everyone needs to know the answer to these two questions: “Am I loved?” and “Can I be free?” These two core questions are a driving force in every child's psychological and emotional development. So when it comes to parenting, how do you answer your child's first question: “Am I loved?” John, Shay, and Lynn will get specific about how parents can help their child build a strong internal "love container" that will help them move through life with confidence.
What Every Child Needs to Know Pt 2: Listen
This episode explores the second core question, “Can I be free?” The heart behind this question is wondering if you can be your own person, be independent, and be your own authority. When you begin to notice how this question presents itself, you’ll have a better understanding of what drives you as an adult, as well as what drives the heart of your child.
What Every Child Fears the Most: Listen
Have you ever wondered why your spouse gets irrationally angry at an innocent comment, why your toddler throws themselves to the floor when frustrated, or why your elementary child might be having social issues at school? Lynn, Shay, and Austin discuss two underlying fears that lie beneath the surface of many problematic behaviors - the fear of abandonment and the fear of losing connection, and how to address those fears in everyday life.
What Every Parent Can’t Avoid: Listen
You can ignore, dismiss, punish, or try to fix emotions, but the reality is, they aren’t going away. Until you can become emotionally intelligent yourself, it will be difficult for you to give your child the one thing they need from you the most: your heart. John and Lynn directly address the question of how to engage with your child’s emotions in a way that creates further connection and builds relational trust.
What Every Parent Regrets the Most: Listen
We subtitled this, “The True Confessions of Shay and Lynn”. Reflecting on your parenting regrets isn’t a fun exercise, but we hope that you can learn and grow as a parent from this honest conversation. Shay and Lynn will look at the ways they either “under” or “over” disciplined their kids, and discuss firm anchoring points to ease your fears and help you know how to take the next step.
What Every Parent Needs to Hear: Listen
Every parent and caregiver makes mistakes, but not everyone responds well to them. John and Austin discuss the 4 biggest mistakes they see from parents and caregivers, as well as 4 key responses that are good enough. Spoiler alert: when you listen to this episode, you will hear the liberating reality that every parent, teacher, mentor, and caregiver needs to hear - there is no perfect parenting! Good enough parenting is enough.