Can you relate to the belief that being a good Christian means disregarding your needs, minimizing your past hurts, and obeying a bevy of ‘shoulds’? Are you stuck in the belief that your brokenness disqualifies you from God’s love? We see the negative effects of these beliefs on our clients, and we’d like to offer you hopeful, biblical wisdom to replace commonly accepted - but often incorrect - beliefs about ourselves and God.
In this series, we’re going to address 5 beliefs that cause confusion, frustration, and even despair. For each belief, there are 2 episodes: the first episode will explore the wrong belief that may be keeping you stuck, and the second episode will explore a better belief to replace it with, as well as some strategies to get you unstuck.
“It’s Selfish to Get Your Needs Met”: Listen
Is there are a more shameful pronouncement of judgment for a Christian than being “selfish”? Taking care of yourself is definitely a source of confusion for people, and trying to get your needs met tends to get a bad rap in church culture. John and Austin define the human experience of having needs, desires, and longings, why those longings are inherently good, and why ignoring them will leave you feeling exhausted and disconnected.
It’s Godly to Get Your Needs Met: Listen
If you’re wondering why it’s godly to get your needs met, look no further than Jesus. John and Austin unpack this counterintuitive belief by examining where and how Jesus met his own needs, desires and longings. Then they explore the deeper purpose of why we look to meet our needs, desires, and longings, as well as some false messages to watch out for. They wrap up with specific takeaways you can practice to get your needs, desires, and longings met in healthy ways.
“Your Past Doesn’t Matter”: Listen
You’re in good company if you believe this. Maybe you believe this because you think it’s counter-productive, it’s too painful, or you’re not sure where and how to begin to examine your past. However, if you believe this, you’re going to stay stuck. Period. Lynn and Austin cover some specific areas where your past matters a great deal, and how to identify where you’ve failed to acknowledge your past. When you’re ready to take that step, you won’t regret it because you’re on the road to getting unstuck.
Your Past Matters More than Anything Else: Listen
Despite what you may think, exploring your past matters a great deal. Lynn, Shay, and Austin walk through the biblical foundations of why your past matters, explain the neurological nuts and bolts of how your brain works (and why the past is never really in the past), and give you guidance on how to explore your past experiences. The power to get unstuck lies with you. When you can examine your past, you will be on the road to healing from past hurts and grow in your ability to manage your present.
“If You Obey God, You Won’t Suffer”: Listen
Thinking that following God, having faith, and believing God’s promises will buy you some type of insurance policy against suffering sounds really attractive. The only problem is that it’s an incorrect belief. John, Lynn, and Shay explain why we believe this, where it comes from, and examine some misguided and damaging responses to suffering. If you recognize this belief in your own life, you’ll be ready to learn more about how to handle hardships and suffering.
Obeying God Includes Suffering: Listen
Believing “If you obey God, you won’t suffer” will not only keep you stuck, but it will truly hurt yourself and others, and put you on a path of despair and giving up on God. John, Shay, and Austin remind us how that when you accept the reality that “Obeying God includes suffering,” you will find greater degrees of acceptance, healing, and comfort in the midst of your suffering.
“‘Shoulds’ Are Good For You”: Listen
Do you want to stop “shoulding” all over yourself? If so, then listen up! John, Lynn, and Shay discuss the following 4 ‘shoulds’ and why we believe them: religious ‘shoulds’, vocational ‘shoulds’, marriage ‘shoulds’, and parenting ‘shoulds’. When you’re finished, you’ll have a better idea of what ‘shoulds’ continue to plague you, which means you’ll be on the road to getting unstuck.
‘Shoulds’ Hurt More Than Help: Listen
We know it’s counterintuitive, but it’s true. John, Shay, and Lynn continue to share why it’s hard to understand that this belief doesn’t lead to genuine godliness and explore the proper place ‘shoulds’ have in the Christian life. When you’re done with the episode, you’ll know how important it is to trust God instead of pleasing him, use discernment and wisdom when you see ‘shoulds’ controlling your life, and begin saying “I wish” instead of “I should”.
“Sexual Brokenness Disqualifies You From God’s Love”: Listen
Lynn, John, and Austin address what might be one of the most heavy, messy, and complex beliefs in the entire series. They define “sexual brokenness”, unpack the way bonding (through sex) was meant to be, and highlight 3 crucial principles we need to be aware of when it comes to the process of sexual bonding. Our hope is that when you’re finished listening, your burdens will be lighter, and you’ll understand yourself better.
Nothing Can Disqualify You From God’s Love: Listen
Perhaps you know this in your mind but believing it on a heart level is a different story. John, Shay, and Austin set out to help close this gap between your head and your heart. You are far more loved than you can imagine, and the gospel message redeems, restores, and reminds us of our God-given dignity and value. Our hope is that after listening you will be able to believe that, as it says in Romans 8:38-39, nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ.
For more on this topic, we recommend Surfing for God by Michael John Cusick, Unwanted by Jay Stringer, and On The Threshold of Hope by Diane Langberg.