In our second series, Managing Your Relationships, we decided to tackle the often-difficult subject of managing relationships. You’ve most likely dealt with relationship struggles, including conflict, broken trust, betrayal, and even toxic patterns.
These episodes will help you manage some of the hardest emotions surrounding relationships, but also give you ideas on how to nurture healthy connections with the people in your life.
Listen now: The Roots of Conflict – S2, Ep 1
Do you ever wonder why you struggle with conflict? Conflict between two people is simple: each of them wants something different. And when your desires are at odds, boom! You’re in conflict with someone else. John and Austin discuss four questions you need to answer if you want to get to the root of conflict in your life.
Listen now: Managing the Weeds of Conflict – S2, Ep 2
You may want to be at peace with everyone, but can every conflict be resolved? Maybe not, but there are four key commitments you can make to help you manage conflict in your life. John and Shay explain these four commitments and how to apply them in practical ways.
Listen now: The Roots of Broken Trust – S2, Ep 3
Trust is the energy that creates and maintains healthy relationships. Without it, your relationships cannot survive or thrive. Lynn, Shay, and Austin dig deeper into what trust is, how it’s built and broken, and the damage broken trust causes in friendships, marriages, jobs, and families. If you’re hurting because of broken trust, this episode will help you understand why it feels so gut-wrenching.
Listen now: Managing the Weeds of Broken Trust – S2, Ep 4
Broken trust hurts, but with willingness and effort, trust can be rebuilt. Lynn, Shay, and Austin walk you through 5 concrete steps to take when you’ve experienced broken trust in a relationship. Most of us didn’t have these steps modeled to us when we were growing up, but it’s never too late to learn something new!
Listen now: The Roots of Toxic Relationships – Series 2, Ep 5
Who you surround yourself with shapes who you will become. If you want to avoid getting entangled in a toxic relationship, you’ll want to listen as John and Lynn define and explain the 5 symptoms of toxic relationships, how to recognize them, and how to protect yourself from being in a toxic relationship.
Listen now: Managing the Weeds of Toxic Relationships – S2, Ep 6
If you want to manage a toxic relationship, you’re going to need to break some rules. We’ll talk about the rule-breaking steps you need to take, as well as working on your personal growth, loving with limits, and implementing boundaries and consequences.
Listen now: The Roots of Bitterness – S2, Ep 7
Do you know a bitter person? If you do, then you’ve seen and felt how they are stuck in anger, resentment, and inability to move beyond hurts of the past. Could that person possibly be you? Listen in as John, Austin, and Shay discuss what bitterness is, the roots beneath it, and where it shows up in your relationships with others and God.
Listen now: Managing the Weeds of Forgiveness – S2, Ep 8
If bitterness stops the clock of your life, then forgiveness starts it back up again. But what is forgiveness, and what does this mean to you? John, Shay, and Austin discuss what forgiveness is and isn’t, the hard realities of forgiving someone, and the costs and benefits of forgiveness.
Listen now: The Weeds that Kill Relationships – S2, Ep 9
Criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling. These are bad enough on their own, but mix them together and you have a cocktail that will kill any relationship. This episode is simple: John, Lynn, and Austin give you a mirror to look in and ask yourself, where are these killers showing up in my relationships?
Listen now: Nurturing Healthy Relationships – S2, Ep 10
It’s easy to identify what kills a relationship, but much harder to know what ingredients you need to nurture a healthy relationship. John, Lynn, and Austin explain 4 relationship builders that are biblically-based practices proven to nurture relationships. Over time, you’ll see the fruit of creating Jesus’ kingdom here on earth as he calls us to be kind and tenderhearted towards each other.