In this series, we wanted to address what we hear from clients and see online: people are frustrated, they’re hurting, they feel misunderstood and disconnected, relationships are strained or completely broken, and they are looking for support and wisdom to know how to navigate this from a biblical perspective.
All families feel the effects of sin and suffer dysfunction somewhere on the spectrum. So if your family is dysfunctional, take heart! You are normal. Even many families portrayed in the Bible reveal just how hurtful and difficult family relationships can be. In our series, we address the most common aspects of dysfunction in families and how to experience growth and healing in the midst of pain.
The 3 Rules of a Dysfunctional Family: Read or Listen
In the first episode of this series, Lynn, John, and Austin look at the basic concepts that form a framework for dysfunction in families. It turns out that all dysfunctional families have three rules that they follow – rules that are not posted on the refrigerator, or even spoken out loud, but that become the subtext for how the family functions: Don’t Talk, Don’t Feel, and Don’t Trust.
Breaking the Rules of Your Dysfunctional Family: Read or Listen
In the previous episode we talked about the rules of a dysfunctional family, and now we’re going to talk about how to break them. As therapists, something we often hear from clients is, “No one in my family wants to talk about our problems.” Yep, that’s Rule #1! Today we want to highlight some steps of what it might look like for you to change any unhealthy patterns in your family. This might mean you have to break some of those family rules!
Managing Your Difficult Father: Read or Listen
In the third episode of this series, John, Shay, and Austin look at why great fathers are so important to a child’s development. Many men want to be good dads, but only meet their children’s physical needs, and are not present for their children emotionally or spiritually. There is hope – you can heal from your father-wounds and learn to be a great dad.
Managing Your Difficult Mother: Read or Listen
Mothers have a deep capacity to love their children, but real-life relationships with our moms can be complicated and sometimes painful. Good moms aren’t perfect, but they do their best to meet their child’s needs for support, guidance, and encouragement. Lynn, John, and Austin talk about acknowledging your mother-wounds, grieving the needs that weren’t met, and healing in God’s time.
The Roots of Sibling Rivalry: Read or Listen
In the 5th episode in our series, Lynn, Shay, and Austin get to the heart of a common struggle in many families: sibling rivalry. Sometimes those strained, difficult, or broken relationships are due to circumstances beyond your control. But there are things you can do to set healthy boundaries, take ownership of your behavior, and cultivate empathy for your siblings.
Loving Your Prodigal: Read or Listen
When a loved one walks away, you may feel embarrassed, ashamed, angry, or scared. You may feel as if no one else understands, and whatever hope you may have originally had seems to fade to disappointment or even bitterness. We’d like to offer you compassion, and share ways to manage your regrets, remove relational barriers, and extend unconditional love.
Building Your Blended Family: Read or Listen
Having a healthy blended family is possible, but there are some specific dynamics to keep in mind, and it may take longer than you think. Building your blended family is a marathon, not a sprint! In this episode, Lynn and John will look at three challenges that blended families face, and three ways to build a healthy blended family.
The Blessings of a Healthy Christian Family: Read or Listen
To conclude this series, John, Shay, and Austin discuss the characteristics that make up a healthy, happy family. While no family is perfect, you and your family members can learn to love each other well and enjoy the blessings that come from striving to obey God and serve him.